HSM (9th-12th Grade) Sunday Nights
Weekly Sunday | 6:15-8:30p
Come check out HSM on Sunday evenings! We connect 9th-12th Grade students with Jesus by diving into God’s Word with biblical lessons and small group discussions. Our times together also includes snacks, games, and student-lead live worship. We hope to see you there!
HSM (9th-12th Grade) Small Group
Weekly Tuesday | 6:30-8:30p | Room 117
At HSM Small Group we tackle challenging questions about faith selected by the students in the group. We talk about various topics like cultural issues, practical Godly-living advice, and deep theology questions. We teach our students to think biblically by searching God’s Word for answers. We meet on Tuesday nights and both male and female High School students are welcome to join!
Contact: hsmthreerivers@thecompass.net