Thoughtful estate planning can wisely steward the resources God has entrusted to your care. Planning that includes charitable giving to your church can help you avoid needless probate expenses and minimize taxes while still generously providing for your family and loved ones.
Several times a year we offer an Estate Planning Workshop to help you get information and ask questions around intentional ways to plan how you can attach your values to the valuables that God has entrusted to your care to manage. You can search our Events Page for our next scheduled Estate Planning Workshop. Registration is free and required to participate.
There are several types of gifts that fall under this category. Many of these gifts are very simple to make.
Life Insurance - you can simply name The Compass Church as a beneficiary.
Retirement Assets - you can name The Compass Church as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plans. Any amounts remaining in your plan will transfer to The Compass Church free of income and estate tax.
Bequests - you can name The Compass Church in your will as a beneficiary and your estate will receive an income tax deduction for the value of your request. A bequest written in a will can be made for either a percentage or an amount.
If you are interested in any types of Planned Legacy Gifts, please contact our Finance Department at