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Weekly Scripture and Weekend Message

The weekend message at The Compass Church is informed by a weekly Bible passage. All scripture in this guide is from the New International Version (NIV). He Gets Us (HGU) group participants can attend weekend services or watch the message online in preparation for their group discussion. Visit for information on service times at each of our locations and/or to see all weekend messages.

Personal Devotionals

Each week contains five personal devotionals (and one bonus devotional) for individual daily engagement with the HGU themes. Begin or continue a habit of spiritual discipline throughout this six-week experience. Each devotional is designed to take roughly five minutes. For some, five minutes each day will be a stretch. For others, five minutes is just stretching out. Group participants who wish to encourage each other in these devotions can discuss their experiences at each group meeting.

Many of the devotionals encourage a time of prayer. If Christian prayer is new for you, know that prayer is most often a simple expression of yourself to God. This can be in words spoken aloud, in thought, or even written down. Sometimes prayer can be a wordless expression of your sincere emotions, but sometimes prayer can be a listening experience or a combination of listening and expressing.

Be encouraged. The God of the universe likes you and won’t judge your form, expertise, or vocabulary.

Group Discussion Guide

Facilitators of HGU groups can use any of the given elements of the discussion guide to create meaningful spiritual conversations in their group.

Table Discussions 

The questions labeled with a speech bubble can help start or continue a conversation with your family, your friends, your co-workers, or whoever is interested. They are primarily selected for individuals who are in different HGU groups and want to “cross-pollinate” ideas, experiences, and applications (e.g., the parents are in a couples group, one child is in a High School group, and another child is in a Junior High group). Topically, they range from non-threatening to deep. Of course, you can select any of the questions in the guide or make up your own.

Who will proactively facilitate these questions in your family or circle?